The Pediatric Urologic Oncology Working Group Bylaws

(Revised June 10, 2015)


The Pediatric Urologic Oncology Working Group (hereafter referred to as "the Working Group") has been created to enable residents, fellows, and members of the Society for Pediatric Urology (hereafter referred to as "SPU") with an interest in pediatric, adolescent and young adult urologic oncology, to meet for the purpose of initiation, discussion, and development of ideas, which will improve the care of children, adolescents, and young adults with urologic oncologic disease.

The Working Group and its bylaws shall conform to the guidelines and bylaws of the SPU. Projects in the areas of internal governance, legislation, or public relations shall be undertaken only with the advice and consent of the SPU. The activities of the Working Group shall be intimately coordinated with those of the SPU.


The name of this organization shall be the Pediatric Urologic Oncology Working Group of the Society for Pediatric Urology.


To provide a forum for pediatric urologists interested in issues of oncology to discuss and collaborate clinically and in research and education endeavors.

  1. Providing a platform for the discussion of problems relating to pediatric, adolescent and young adult urologic oncology.
  2. Stimulating research in, and the teaching of, pediatric urologic oncology.
  3. Encouraging collaborations and cooperative efforts between pediatric urologists on oncological topics.
  4. Allowing opportunities for presentation of research and critical peer review of data.

To increase inter-disciplinary collaboration by bringing into membership in the Working Group, physicians (urologists, surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, pediatricians) who have a clinical or academic interest in pediatric, adolescent or young adult urologic oncology.

To be available as consultants to the Executive Board of the SPU on matters relating to Oncology.


Qualifications: Membership in the Working Group shall consist of fellows, scientists, and board certified or eligible physicians who have a continued and sustained interest in the field of pediatric, adolescent and young adult urologic oncology. Working Group members must maintain some level of membership (Active, Corresponding, Affiliate, Candidate, etc.) in good standing in the SPU. Affiliate membership will be available to physicians and scientists with appropriate interest who are not eligible for SPU membership.

Interested members may submit an application that will be reviewed by the Secretary of the Working Group. If concerns are raised regarding an applicant’s potential membership, this will be reviewed by the Executive Committee, and will be decided by a vote of the Executive Committee.

Rights: A member shall have the right of suffrage and of participation in Working Group Meeting and research activities, and shall be eligible to hold any office or receive any honor or gift of the Working Group. Affiliate members will have all rights of full membership except the right to hold office or serve on the Executive Committee.

Termination of Membership: Any member failing to attend at least 1 meeting in any 2 year period will be considered for removal from the membership roles at the discretion of the President. Any member whose membership in the SPU is terminated will also be removed from the membership role. (Termination of membership from the SPU will be under the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee of the SPU)

Dues: There will be no separate dues for members of the Working Group. However, members of the Working Group who are eligible for SPU membership are required to pay dues to the SPU as per the bylaws of the SPU.


Until the time of the first elections, the Working Group shall be led by the Organizing Committee, which currently consists of:

  • Michael Ritchey, M.D.
  • Jonathan Ross, M.D.
  • Fernando Ferrer, M.D.
  • Margarett Shnorhavorian, M.D.
  • Armando Lorenzo, M.D.
  • Nicholas G. Cost, M.D.
  • Jonathan Routh, M.D.
  • Kathleen Kieran, M.D.

The Organizing Committee will serve in the duties of the Working Group Executive Committee until the first election shall take place. All members of the Organizing Committee will remain as members of the initial Executive Committee in order to provide continuity of leadership.

The officers of the Working Group Executive Committee shall consist of a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and four (4) at-large Members. The current Organizing Committee will make up this initial Executive Committee from now until the Spring Meeting in 2016. Temporarily, there will be five (5) at-large Members to account for the current make-up of the Organizing Committee. Starting with the installation of the elected council in the Spring of 2016, there will only be four (4) at-large Members. The President-Elect from this initial Executive Committee will transition to be the first President of the elected Executive committee.

The first election will be held at the Spring Meeting in 2015. The Executive Committee will submit a slate of nominees and nominations may also be submitted to the Secretary by any member of the Working Group. The officers shall be elected by Working Group members at the Spring Meeting in 2015 and every 2 years thereafter and shall assume their positions at the Spring meeting in 2016 and every 2 years thereafter. In the event the President becomes unable to perform the duties of the Presidency, the order of succession of officers shall be the President-elect, then the Secretary. In order to be included on a ballot for election, the nominee must be nominated as part of the slate of nominees submitted by the Executive Committee or nominated separately by an existing member of the Working Group.

Elections will be for specific offices, that is, the nominee will be nominated specifically for a given office. Nominees may be nominated for more than one position. The elections will be done in order: President-Elect, Secretary, At-Large Members. Elections will be won by the nominee with the most votes. The presiding Secretary of the Working Group will be in charge of collecting and counting the votes as he or she sees fit. Any ties will be broken by the sitting President of the Working Group. Once elected to an office, a nominee for more than one office will be removed from the list of nominees for subsequent offices.

There will be no rule forbidding renewal. That is, a sitting officer of the Working Group may be re-nominated and re-elected for that or any other position. Similarly, Executive Committee members may be nominated to another Executive Committee position. There is no limit to the number of terms of service.

Summary of Officer Positions

  • Positions - Term of Service
  • President - 2 Years
  • President-elect - 2 Years
  • Secretary - 2 Years
  • At-Large Members (4) - 4 Years

Amendment #1 (6/10/2015) – As of the 2017 election, 2 at-large member positions for the PUOWG Executive Committee will come up in alternating cycles for a 4 year term.

Amendment #2 (6/10/2015) – As of the 2017 election, nominees for the PUOWG Executive Committee must have attended at least 2 of the last 4 PUOWG Open Meetings. If the nominee has not met this requirement, they will not be eligible for election.


Section 1 - Membership

One member of the Working Group shall be elected to serve as President for a period of two years. A President-Elect shall also be elected at that time to succeed the President in office. One member of the Working Group shall be elected as Secretary for a period of two years. Four members of the Working Group shall be elected to serve as at-large members of the Executive Committee for a period of two years.

In the event that an officer shall resign before the end of his/her term, or otherwise be unable to complete it, the President, in consultation with the remaining Executive Committee membership, shall have the power to select and appoint a Working Group member to fill this vacancy for the balance of the term.

Section 2 – Meetings

There shall be a meeting of the Executive Committee at the Annual SPU Meeting in the Spring. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.

The date, time, and place shall be selected by the Executive Committee.

A simple majority of the Working Group Executive Committee membership shall be considered a quorum.

All officers and the elected members are expected to attend all meetings.

Any matters of business may be raised by any member of the Executive Committee, and any proposal, if seconded, will be taken up for a vote. All votes will be decided by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the President’s position will prevail. Other matters of business may be submitted by any active Working Group member to the President or Secretary of the Working Group. These matters of business will be presented to the Executive Committee and adjudicated as seen fit by the Executive Committee.


The President shall appoint the following Committees annually and designate one member to serve as Chairman:

  1. Scientific/Education Program Committee: This committee shall be responsible for any Working Group participation in the Scientific Program at SPU meetings.
  2. Special or Action Committees: These may be appointed by the President to look into matters related to oncologic issues for pediatric urologists. Such committees will serve until the specific assignment is completed and its report is accepted by the Executive Committee, or for three years, whichever is shorter. A committee with ongoing business after three years may be reappointed.


The Working Group shall meet twice annually. The meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual SPU Meeting in the spring and the joint pediatric urology meeting in the fall. Additional meetings, in person, or by internet/phone may be held at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

The primary business of the meetings will be to discuss and organize research projects relevant to pediatric urological oncology. Members of the Working Group who wish to bring forward a proposal, shall submit said proposal at least 2 months before the meeting so that it may be reviewed by the Executive Committee. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, proposals will be presented at the Working Group meeting to provide an opportunity for members to collaborate on multi-institutional research efforts. Additionally, updates concerning on-going research of Working Group members will be presented. Essayists and discussants shall be Working Group members or invited guests. Additional scientific meetings may be organized by the Working Group.


Any member of the Working Group may originate a proposed change in the by-laws or an amendment thereto at the time of a Working Group meeting. The proposal will be considered by the Executive Committee. If it is not found to be at variance with other portions of the Bylaws of the Working Group, the proposal shall be circulated to the members of the Working Group at least one month before the next scheduled meeting. It shall then be placed on the agenda for consideration. Voting will be limited to those attending the meeting. A favorable vote by 2/3 of members present will constitute acceptance, and said amendment will be so incorporated into the bylaws. Vote by proxy shall not be allowed.


"Robert's Rules of Order, Revised" shall be the parliamentary authority for all proceedings for the Working Group.


Duties of the Executive Committee of the Working Group:

  1. Members shall attend the semi-annual meetings of the Working Group.
  2. Members shall review of all abstracts or research proposals submitted to Working Group meetings.
  3. Members shall act as consultant to the Executive Committee of the SPU.
  4. Members shall act as a Nominating Committee to nominate a slate of officers every 2 years.

Duties of the President of the Working Group:

  1. The President shall preside at the Working Group Meetings and any interim meetings. If absent, these duties fall to the President-Elect, and in their absence next to the Secretary, and in their absence last to an At-Large Executive Committee member that the President designates.
  2. The President shall serve as Chairman/Chairwoman of the Executive Committee and preside at all Executive Committee meetings. If absent, these duties fall to the President-Elect, and in their absence next to the Secretary, and in their absence last to an At-Large Executive Committee member that the President designates.
  3. The President shall appoint chairmen/chairwomen and members to the standing and special committees of the Working Group as necessary.
  4. The President shall make an annual report of the Working Group in writing, and whenever possible, in person, to the Working Group and shall receive the reports of the special and action committees.
  5. The President shall prepare an annual report to the SPU Executive Committee.

Duties of the Secretary of the Working Group:

  1. The Secretary shall take the minutes of the Working Group meetings and any Executive Committee Meetings.
  2. The Secretary shall assist the chairman/chairwoman of the Scientific/Program Committee in the preparation of Scientific Programs and the chairmen/chairwomen of other standing committees as requested.
  3. The Secretary shall preside over and organize any and all elections for members of the Executive Committee.
  4. The Secretary shall distribute to the membership: An annual roster of the members of the Working Group, a copy of the minutes of the Annual Meeting, and such information as may from time to time be of interest to members.
  5. The Secretary shall act as Working Group representative in the exchange of rosters, program arrangements, and correspondence involving other societies or associations, with advice and approval from the President.
  6. The Secretary shall notify members regarding their appointment to the various committees of the Executive Committee and shall send copies of such notification to the President of the Working Group and to the Executive Committee.
  7. The Secretary shall give due notice of all meetings of the Working Group and of the Executive Committee.
  8. The Secretary shall carry out such other duties as are assigned by the President of the Working Group.


No quorum of the general membership shall be required for the Working Group meetings. Rather a quorum will be considered present if at least a simple majority of the Executive Committee is present at the general meeting.

A quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall consist of a simple majority.


Studies or Research Projects selected by the Executive Committees for presentation at the semi-annual meetings or for posting on the website will adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The Pediatric Urologic Oncology Working Group of the SPU shall be named in the title or acknowledgements of any publication or presentation of such data.
  2. The investigator who proposes the project will be designated the project leader and will be in charge of authoring the manuscript or abstract presentations. This investigator will select the first, second and senior authors on the manuscript of presentations.  The remaining authorship will be selected based on the number of patients or based on the rough estimate of time or effort contributed to the specific project.
  3. Any debates, controversy or amendments to these guidelines shall be submitted to the President and will be reviewed and adjudicated by the Executive Committee.